Australian Shepherds: Why Do They Lick So Much?

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Australian Shepherds: Why Do They Lick So Much?

There’s no denying that Australian Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. But there’s one thing about them that always seems to cause a bit of confusion: why does my Australian shepherd lick me so much?

The truth is, An Australian Shepherd licking you is a sign of showing affection. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the possible reasons why Australian Shepherds lick so much and try to clear up some of the mystery behind this quirky behavior!

Why Does My Australian Shepherd Lick Me So Much?

Australian Shepherds are intelligent creatures who like to lick for various reasons. Your Australian Shepherd is licking you for one of potentially many reasons, including:

  • Trying to communicate with you
  • Show affection
  • Grooming themselves
  • Relieve Anxiety
  • Your Aussie is submitting to you
  • They enjoy the taste of your sweat

Understanding The Australian Shepherd Lick

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Australian Shepherds are known for being intelligent, loyal, and affectionate dogs. They make great companions and are always eager to please their owners. But one of the things that set Australian Shepherds apart from other dog breeds is their propensity for licking. This behavior can be a bit mystifying to those who don’t own Australian Shepherds, but there are actually a few possible explanations for why they do it.


Another possible explanation for why Australian Shepherds lick so much is that they are using licking as a way to communicate. Dogs communicate with each other through body language and vocalizations, and licking is one of the ways they do it.

When Australian Shepherds lick you, they might be trying to tell you something. It could be that they’re hungry, thirsty, or need to go outside. Or, it could be that they’re just happy to see you and want to show their affection.

Australian Shepherds are very intuitive animals, so if your dog is licking you a lot, it’s worth taking the time to try to understand what they’re trying to say.

Show Affection/Love

Australian Shepherds can often lick you to get your attention. They are very friendly dogs and love to be around people, and appreciate your attention as well as companionship.

One of the most common reasons why Australian Shepherds lick is because they want to show their affection for you.

If your dog is constantly licking your face or hands, it’s a pretty clear sign that they love you and want to be close to you. Australian Shepherds are very affectionate dogs, and their licking is just one of the many ways they like to express their love for their owners.

Groom Themselves

Another possible reason why Australian Shepherds lick so much is that they are trying to groom themselves. Australian Shepherds are very clean dogs, and they often lick themselves as a way to keep their fur clean and free of debris. If you notice your dog licking their paws or body a lot, it’s likely that they’re just trying to keep itself clean.

Australian Shepherds are also known for being fastidious groomers, and they often lick their owners as a way to groom them as well. So if your dog is constantly licking you, it’s probably because they think you could use a good cleaning!

Relieve Anxiety

Finally, it’s possible that Australian Shepherds lick as a way to relieve anxiety. Dogs can suffer from anxiety and stress just like humans, and some dogs will lick themselves or their owners as a way to calm down. If your dog is licking you a lot and seems to be anxious or stressed, it might be worth taking them to the vet to see if there’s anything wrong.

Australian Shepherds are very sensitive dogs, and sometimes their anxiety can be caused by something as simple as a change in routine. If your dog is licking you a lot and seems to be stressed, it’s important to try to identify the cause of their anxiety and help them find ways to cope with it.

Australian Shepherds Lick You to Show Submission

Australian Shepherds also lick as a way to show submission. This behavior is usually seen when an Australian Shepherd is introduced to a new person or animal.

By licking, they are trying to show that they are not a threat and that they are submissive to the other individual. This behavior can also be seen when an Australian Shepherd is being scolded by their owner. They may lick as a way to apologize and show that they are sorry for whatever they did wrong.

Your Aussie May Enjoy The Taste of Your Sweat

Australian Shepherds also seem to enjoy the taste of human sweat and salt. This may seem gross to us, but Australian Shepherds seem to find it quite delicious! If your dog is constantly licking your skin, it’s probably because they enjoy the taste of your sweat and salt.

While this behavior might be a little bit icky to us, it’s actually quite normal for Australian Shepherds. So if your dog is constantly licking you, don’t worry too much about it.

Can You Stop Your Australian Shepherd From Licking?

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You can certainly discourage your Australian Shepherd from licking so much – but remember it’s quite natural and normal for them to do this. While Australian Shepherds are known for their licking, there are some things you can do to stop them from licking if it’s becoming a nuisance. If you do have an interest in encouraging your Australian Shepherd from licking incessantly, consider these options below:

Try And Understand Why Your Aussie Is Licking You

one of the best ways to tackle your Australian shepherd’s excessive licking habits is to dig into why your Aussie might be doing so in the first place. Australian shepherds lick for a variety of reasons that we’ve gone over – but if you can get to the root of *your* Australian shepherd’s licking, you’ll be able to better target what solution might work best.

Consider Training and Behavior Modification

if you think your Australian shepherd is licking excessively out of excitement or anxiety, you might want to consider some training and behavior modification. This could look like obedience training to help your Australian shepherd learn how to better control their excitement around you or others. If anxiety is the root of the licking, you’ll want to work with a professional trainer or behaviorist on some desensitization exercises and other solutions that can help your Australian Shepherd.

Redirect The Attention To Something Else

If your dog is constantly licking your face or hands, you can try to redirect their attention by giving them a toy or treat to lick instead. There is a chance your Australian Shepherd could be scared/anxious/upset and is fixating or obsessing about an issue. Redirecting their attention can help. This will help them get the licking out of their system without bothering you.

Increase The Amount of Daily Exercise

If your dog is licking you as a way to groom you, it’s important to make sure they’re getting enough exercise and playtime. Australian Shepherds are very active dogs, and they need to burn off a lot of energy every day. If they’re not getting enough exercise, they may start licking you as a way to relieve boredom or stress.

Establish Dominance

Finally, if your dog is licking you as a way to show submission, it’s important to be firm with them and assert your dominance. Australian Shepherds are very intelligent dogs, and they will quickly learn who is in charge if you are consistent with your commands. If your dog is licking you as a way to show submission, make sure you are the one in charge and they will eventually stop.

Speak To Your Vet

If you’re concerned about your Australian shepherd’s licking habits, it’s always a good idea to speak to your veterinarian. They will be able to rule out any medical conditions that could be causing the excessive licking and give you some advice on how to stop it.

Consider Pet Supplements

Australian Shepherds are very active dogs, and they need a lot of exercise to stay healthy. If your dog is licking you as a way to relieve boredom or stress, consider giving them some pet supplements that can help with their anxiety. There are a variety of different supplements on the market that can help Australian Shepherds relax and feel more comfortable.


Australian Shepherds are known for their excessive licking, but there are ways to discourage them from doing so. By understanding why they lick and trying some of the solutions listed above, you can help your Australian Shepherd lead a healthier and happier life.

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