Do Australian Shepherds Like to Cuddle?

Do Australian Shepherds Like to Cuddle?

Australian Shepherds are known for being active and working dogs. But do they like cuddling? Australian Shepherds certainly have a lot of personalities, and each one is different. Some may love to cuddle up on the couch with their human companions, while others may prefer to keep their distance. It really depends on the individual dog’s personality!

Cuddling With An Australian Shepherd?

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In the world of pet ownership, cuddling can be a fantastic way to bond with your furry little friend (if he or she enjoys it). There is no question that the Australian Shepherd breed thoroughly enjoys showing their affection towards you and their family, Cuddling included.

Cuddling is basically any type of physical affection that involves hugging, touching, or snuggling. Australian Shepherds are certainly capable of cuddling. If you’re thinking about getting an Australian Shepherd, be sure to ask the breeder about the pup’s personality and whether or not he or she enjoys cuddling or is showing signs of enjoying cuddling with humans.

Do Australian Shepherds Like Cuddling?

Most Australian shepherds do enjoy cuddling. Due to the fact that Australian Shepherds enjoy creating a close and intimate relationship with their owners and family, cuddling ends up being somewhat common.

Australian Shepherds Can Be A Product of Their Environment

Australian Shepherds that are raised in a loving and nurturing environment often enjoy cuddling as a way to show their affection. Australian Shepherds that do not receive the proper amount of socialization may be more aloof and less likely to want to cuddle. Be sure to consider how your furry friend has been raised so far and what “normal” is to them.


When speaking about Australian Shepherds and showing affection in general, the variable of age is often missed. In fact, age likely does play a role in your furry friends’ attitude of cuddling and showing affection. As your Aussie gets older, their personality develops, and their ways of showing affection may evolve. Be sure to consider the age of the Aussie.

Why Do Aussies Like To Cuddle?

Australian Shepherds are bred to be loyal and protective companions, which might explain why they enjoy cuddling. Cuddling is a way for them to show their affection and bond with their human family members. Australian Shepherds that have been properly socialized are typically more likely to enjoy cuddling than those who have not had much human interaction.

As stated above, If you’re thinking about getting an Australian Shepherd, be sure to ask the breeder about the pup’s personality and whether or not he or she enjoys cuddling.

Should I Cuddle With My Aussie?

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If your Australian Shepherd is open to the idea, there is generally nothing wrong with cuddling with your furry friend. One key tip that helps Australian Shepherd owners train their dog to cuddle is to do so on the dog’s terms. In other words, do not force your Australian Shepherd to cuddle if he or she is not in the mood.

Remember – Australian Shepherds that are forced into activities they do not want to participate in often become resentful and may start to dislike those activities altogether. If you want your Australian Shepherd to enjoy cuddling, make sure it is something that he or she wants to do.

What If My Aussie Doesn’t Want To Cuddle With Me?

Although cuddling may come naturally to you, cuddling may initially be a confusing and intimidating act for first-time cuddlers. When cuddling your Aussie, if you notice them being uncomfortable or wanting to leave, let them. Chances are, they just need some more time to warm up to the idea of cuddling. Australian Shepherds typically enjoy cuddling once they understand what it is and how it works. The secret here is that some Australian Shepherds can be stubborn and you may need to cuddle on THEIR terms.

Other Ways Australian Shepherds Like To Show Their Affection To Their Owners

Australian Shepherds also enjoy showing their affection in other ways, such as:

  • Sitting or standing close to you
  • Resting their head on your lap
  • Leaning against you
  • Putting their paw on you
  • Staring at you intently
  • Bringing you their favorite toy

Many people forget that Australian Shepherds were bred to be loyal and protective companions. Cuddling is just one of the many ways they like to show their affection to their human family members. Australian Shepherds that have been properly socialized are typically more likely to enjoy cuddling than those who have not had much human interaction.


Australian Shepherds can (and often times DO) enjoy cuddling and building their bond with you at a deeper level. Australian Shepherds are bred to be loyal and protective companions, which helps to explain why they are open to the idea of cuddling.

If you’re thinking about getting yourself an Aussie, be sure to ask your breeder or request information from your rescue about the pup’s personality and whether or not he or she enjoys cuddling. Australian Shepherds that have been properly socialized are typically more likely to enjoy cuddling than those who have not had much human interaction.

Australian Shepherds that are raised in a loving and nurturing environment often enjoy cuddling as a way to show their affection. Australian Shepherds can be a product of their environment, so keep that in mind when considering your pup’s personality!