Why Do Australian Shepherds Wiggle? The Surprising Truth

Why Do Australian Shepherds Wiggle? The Surprising Truth

Do you know why Australian Shepherds wiggle? It's a question that has puzzled owners and dog lovers for years. Some say it's because they're happy, while others believe it's a sign of dominance. But what is the real reason why Australian Shepherds wiggle? In this blog post, we will explore the surprising truth behind this behavior.

Why Do Australian Shepherds Wiggle?

Australian Shepherds wiggle their bodies as a way to show their excitement or happiness for something. If you see an Australian Shepherd wiggling their bodies, they are likely attempting to show you that they are happy and excited about something going on.

Why Do Aussies Wiggle Their Butts?

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Australian Shepherds wiggle their butt for the same reason they wiggle their entire bodies - to show excitement and happiness!If you're new to the Australian Shepherd breed, you might be taken off-guard by the wiggling of said Aussies butt. Australian Shepherds use this activity to communicate with other animals, humans, and the like. Why do Aussies do this tho?The most popular theory is that Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts because they're happy. This makes sense, as many dogs do wag their tails when they're excited or content. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In fact, the reason why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts is still a mystery.Some believe that Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts as a sign of dominance. This is because many dogs will wag their tails when they're trying to assert their dominance over another dog. However, there is no evidence to support this claim either. So why do Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts?The truth is, we don't really know why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts. It's possible that it's a combination of both happiness and dominance, or it could be something else entirely. Whatever the reason, it's clear that Australian Shepherds enjoy wiggling their butts! If you've ever seen an Aussie wiggle their butt, you know that it's impossible not to smile. So why not just enjoy the show and be happy that your dog is happy?

Aussies Shaking Their Butts - On #Social

17 Most-Common Reasons Why Aussies Wiggle Their Butts

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Australian Shepherds Wiggle their butts for a number of reasons and can be considered a core part of their breed. Below, we'll explore some of the most common reasons why Aussies wiggle their butts!

A Good Butt Scratch

Your Aussie is likely to wiggle their butt when you scratch it because it feels good! This is especially true if you hit that sweet spot right above their tail.

You're (Finally) Home Now!

One of the most common reasons why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts is because they're happy to see you. When you come home from work or school, your Aussie is excited to see you and will likely give you a good butt wiggle as a way of greeting you.

Your Tone Of Voice Evokes A Response

If you use a high-pitched, happy voice when talking to your Aussie, they're likely to wiggle their butt in response. This is because they associate your happy tone of voice with good things, like treats or walks.

Friends Are Near To Play With

Another common reason why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts is that they're excited to play with their friends. Australian Shepherds are social creatures and enjoy being around other animals.  If you take your Aussie to the dog park or on a hike, they'll likely wiggle their butt when they see another dog that they want to play with.

Hungry & Excited For Food Time

Aussies are known for their love of food, so it's no surprise that they'll wiggle their butt when they're excited about mealtime. If you see your Aussie wiggling their butt while they're near their food bowl, it's a good indication that they're ready to eat!

Needs To Go Poop

While it's not the most pleasant reason, your Aussie may wiggle their butt because they need to poop. If you see your dog wiggling their butt and sniffing around, it's a good idea to take them outside so it can relieve itself.

Seeing A Person They Haven't In A Long Time

If your Aussie sees a person they haven't seen in a long time, they may wiggle their butt in excitement. This is because they're happy to see the person and want to greet them.

Reactions to Words Aussies Like

Some Aussies will wiggle their butt in response to certain words that they like. For example, if you say the word "walk" or "treat," your Aussie may wiggle their butt in anticipation.

Its Treat Time

As we mentioned before, Aussies love food. So, it's no surprise that they'll wiggle their butt when they know it's treat time. If you see your Aussie wiggling their butt and you don't know why, chances are they're hoping for a treat!

Mention Going for a Ride or Walk

If you mention going for a ride or walk, your Aussie is likely to wiggle their butt in excitement. This is because they know that they're about to have some fun!

The Occasional Submissive Wiggle

While most of the time Aussies wiggle their butt because they're happy, there are occasional times when they do it as a way of showing submission. If you see your Aussie wiggling their butt and they seem to be avoiding eye contact, it's a good indication that they're feeling submissive.

New Toys to Play With!

If you bring your Aussie a new toy, they're likely to wiggle their butt in excitement. This is because they're excited to play with the new toy and have some fun!

Paying Attention To Them All Of A Sudden

If you've been ignoring your Aussie and they suddenly have your attention, they may wiggle their butt as a way of getting your attention. This is because they want to make sure you're still paying attention to them!

Guests Have Made an Appearance

If there are guests in your home, your Aussie may wiggle their butt as a way of greeting them. This is because they want to make sure the guests know that they're there and are friendly!

Hearing Their Favorite Sound

Some Aussies will wiggle their butt in response to certain sounds that they like. For example, if you say the word "walk" or "treat," your Aussie may wiggle their butt in anticipation.

They're Feeling Nervous

While it's not the most common reason, your Aussie may wiggle their butt because they're feeling nervous. If you see your Aussie wiggling their butt and they seem to be avoiding eye contact, it's a good indication that they're feeling nervous.

They Want Your Attention Or They're Trying To Tell You Something

If you've been ignoring your Aussie and they suddenly have your attention, they may wiggle their butt as a way of getting your attention. This is because they want to make sure you're still paying attention to them!If your Aussie wiggles their butt and then looks at you, it's a good indication that they're trying to tell you something. For example, they may need to go outside or be fed.

Do Australian Shepherds Wiggle Their Butts Because They're Happy or Something Else?

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If you've ever seen an Australian Shepherd wiggle their butt, you may be wondering why they do it. Is it because they're happy or is there another reason? There are actually a few different reasons why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts. Let's take a look at some of the most common ones. One reason why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butt is because they're excited. This could be in response to seeing a person they haven't seen in a long time, hearing their favorite sound, or getting a new toy to play with. Another reason why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butt is because they're trying to get your attention. This is usually the case if you've been ignoring them or they want to tell you something, like they need to go outside. Occasionally, Australian Shepherds will wiggle their butt as a way of showing submission. This is more common if they're feeling nervous or scared.

Do Australian Shepherds Wiggle Their Butts For Dominance Reasons?

Generally speaking, no, Australian Shepherds do not wiggle their butts as a way of showing dominance. This is a common misconception, but the truth is that Australian Shepherds only wiggle their butts when they're happy or excited. They don't do it to show dominance over other dogs or people.

What should you do if you think your Aussie is wiggling for dominance?

The answer may surprise you. As mentioned above, an Aussie's wiggle butt is usually not a sign of dominance. Rather, it's more likely to be happy, stressed, anxious, or similar emotions. Let's take a deeper dive into some of these Australian Shepherd emotions below. Australian Shepherds wiggle because they are trying to communicate with other dogs. This behavior is known as "displacement activity." When a dog is feeling anxious or stressed, they may engage in displacement activities like yawning, licking their lips, or wiggling. While some people may think that Australian Shepherds wiggle because they're happy, this is not always the case. If your Aussie is wiggling and has a relaxed body language, then they are probably happy. However, if your Aussie is wiggling and has tense body language, this may be a sign of stress or anxiety. If you're concerned about your Aussie's wellbeing, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian or dog behaviorist.


As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why Australian Shepherds wiggle their butts. So, the next time you see your Aussie wiggling, take a moment to think about why they might be doing it. And, if you're ever concerned about your Aussie's wellbeing, be sure to consult with a professional.

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